Pages of Growth: Bonds of Literary Unity (POG:BLU) (MRGs)

PMP is powered and sponsored by Chronus. Only BSLS Members can be Mentees, but we welcome all working professionals and entrepreneurs to be mentors to our active (High School and College-aged) BSLS Members: Sign up now


Focuses on personal and professional growth through curated book/media lists and discussions on growth-oriented or social impact shows and movies. Purpose: Pages of Growth aims to cultivate a community of readers who are passionate about literary exploration and personal development. Through shared reading/media experiences, discussions, and activities, members will strengthen their bonds, enhance their understanding of diverse perspectives, and foster a lifelong love of learning.Mission: The mission of Pages of Growth is to unite members through the transformative power of literature, encouraging personal growth, intellectual curiosity, and community building. By creating a supportive and engaging environment, the group seeks to inspire members to expand their horizons and connect through the shared joy of reading.Objectives and Projects:Monthly Book/Media Club Meetings: Regular gatherings to discuss selected books/media, explore themes, and share personal insights.And More...


Varies and schedule can be chapter-specific.


Improves social awareness and provides a platform for intellectual engagement while expanding growing minds perspectives. Often times sponsored by networks, publishing companies, bookstores, studios or etc.